Always up to date

The housing market is not standing still, and neither are we! Discover more about our projects, sustainable living and energy-efficient renovations.

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18 June 2024 |

Re-YALLY-sation in the spotlight

The new circular rental home in Patronaatstraat: A Future-oriented Housing Project by Yally.
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16 April 2024

Yally and CIRCL join forces for circular renovation

Purchasing existing residential real estate, energetically renovating it and renting it out at affordable prices: that is the mission of Yally, an ini...
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12 February 2024 | Tips & tricks

Yally takes care of its buildings down to the smallest detail

At Yally we are convinced that even the smallest details can have a major impact on the living atmosphere of our tenants. The doorbell, often the firs...
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15 January 2024 | Tips & tricks

The benefits of a new front door

A new year has begun, and what better way to welcome it than with a brand new front door? Our tenants literally enter 2024 through a new entrance, an...
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18 December 2023 | Tips & tricks

How to make a tiled floor look its best?

Tiles have been a popular choice for floors and walls for centuries. They are durable and easy to maintain, among other things. Yet there are situatio...
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17 October 2023

Yally shifts up a gear

Yally anticipates the growing demand for quality rental properties with a second capital injection of 30 million euros
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03 April 2023

Yally embraces circularity

What is sometimes thrown on the rubbish heap can be valuable to others.
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15 December 2022

Je vastgoedvennootschap opdoeken.

Wie denkt de verkoopwaarde van het vastgoed te krijgen van zijn patrimoniumvennootschap? Niet op elke manier krijg je de verkoopwaarde van het vastgo...
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01 December 2022 |

Asbestos information obligation officially in force, but are there enough experts?

It's been there since Wednesday, November 23. From now on, every owner of a building built before 2001 must submit an asbestos certificate upon sale....
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22 November 2022 | Energy

The high energy price, the game changer on the real estate market.

This blog post is based on the article by De Tijd: Energy leads to a two-speed real estate market. In this article, Petra De Rouck describes how ener...
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21 November 2022 | Tips & tricks

Matter: The new smart home standard.

You are undoubtedly familiar with the Philips Hue lamps, Apple Homekit or Amazon Alexa. You are also no longer unfamiliar with smart thermostats or au...
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04 November 2022 | Tips & tricks

The do's & the don'ts: Furnishing your rental home.

Furnishing your new home in a cozy way is an absolute must. Just remember that all changes are allowed. We would like to list some basic principles fo...
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28 October 2022

How do I rent a home at Yally?

In this short blog you can find what you need if you want to rent a home at Yally. Easy does it?!
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18 October 2022 | About Yally

A day in the life of Yally.

Hi, My name is Kay and I recently started working for Yally. I would like to take you with me in a day's work at Yally and explain to you what I h...
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06 October 2022 | Tips & tricks

This is how you save energy!

Every day you read articles in the media about the energy prices that are swinging through the roof. There are various options for saving energy in...
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02 October 2022 | Energy

Rents of homes with a low EPC score are frozen for a year

The Flemish government has limited the indexation of rents by emergency decree, with immediate effect.
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27 September 2022 | About Yally

Yally is committed to reducing the total housing costs for tenants by upgrading existing real estate

Today, the listed investor TINC and TDP, the infrastructure joint venture between Belfius and the listed investment company Gimv, are launching a join...
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26 September 2022

Why a good EPC score is important for owner-lessors of real estate

The government is considering whether to allow landlords to index homes with a low energy score. A few days ago an interesting article was published i...
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26 September 2022 | About Yally

EPC score vs. EPC label

Since 2009, it is mandatory to have an EPC score drawn up for your home and to communicate this to potential tenants. This gives the tenant a good ide...